Tuesday 21 August 2007

Technology Executive Search In August

This month I have been working on multiple projects it seems like an eternity has passed since the so called decline and fall of the technology sector. Well I am happy to report the ship is sailing along steadily. I believe the technology market will happily bob along for the next 6/7 years; during this period 2007 - 2012 we will see some great new businesses and some great exit stories.

Amongst other here are some of my open searches:

VP Sales APAC - VAS Software.
Sales Director - Payment and Charging Software.
Pre Sales Manager, UK -Payment and Charging Software
Client Service Manager, UK - OSS/BSS
Account Manager, Italy - VAS Software

So you may want to know how I go about locating the right talent. Well it is very straight forward. Firstly I do not go to the database albeit it has 10,000+ entries that could help my cause. I review the competitive businesses for each role, review the function and qualify long list candidates in or out. They must have DOMAIN, FUNCTION, and GEOGRAPHY as a starting point. Thereafter the skills assessment comes into play along with qualification on salary.

This is a highly time consuming process but it provides me and my clients with the security that we will find the right person, he/she will stick around and they will be successful. I can say without hesitation that over the last 5/6 years I have never had a candidate not go on to serve at least 18 months tenure in his/her role.

Not bad, but that’s what you happens when things are done correctly. It is at this point that I commend my clients for their vision and trust they place in my process.

More Soon

Best Wishes, Matthew Testa

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