Friday 10 August 2007

How to Interview for a Search Firm

Vendors I have a couple of tips for you when selecting an Executive Search company to partner with.

When you have the recruiter in the room forget about the brand, the nice suits and the quasi sales techniques and simply ask them out right what they know about your company, your technology products and where they fit into your market place.

You may be sat reading this thinking "I always do that" well if that's the case why do you keep engaging search firms wait months for a short list pay over the odds and still feel uncomfortable about the service you have received?

Answer Most recruiters whatever the level they are working at do not have a clue about the markets they operate in.

This is not to say they are no "great recruiters", there are lots but finding them is almost as hard as finding the candidates you need to grow your business.


When you think you have managed to locate, greet and select that "great recruiter" don't bother haggling over the cost, just pay the man or woman, they are worth it.

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