Wednesday 5 September 2007

Wireless VAS Recruitment

Over the last 12 months CTW Partners has continued to consolidate its recruitment presence in the mobile arena. Our wireless executive search practise has spent a significant amount of time recruiting for venture capital funded software vendors delivering mobile service layer application solutions.

The last 18 months have seen the mobile value added services (VAS) sector enjoy unprecedented success in terms of end user adoption for their data services and revenue generation for the mobile operator community. Value Added Services revenue (VAS) has become a significant procurement driver for tier one and two mobile network operators in Europe. Key players like; The Vodafone Group, France Telecom and T-Mobile have have whole heartily embraced next generation mobile data software vendors leading to many start up vendors securing that valuable first tier one anchor account in Europe.

The plethora of next generation (NGN) VAS services available to end users in Europe (IM, Email, Video Calling, Content acquisition: Music, Gaming) is a key indication that Europe does have a core of cutting edge entrepreneurs and technologists in the wireless arena despite what the industry analysts and our cousins across the pond would like us to believe. For example Instant Messaging (IM) and Email applications has in effect led to a mini re-birth of mobile messaging.

Messaging is now viewed as a core revenue generator for the operator community. It is precisely these types of next generation messaging applications that have delivered a much needed kick start to the sector. For example IM allows end users to message cost effectively and quicker than legacy messaging models add mobile email and hey presto the messaging does deliver the holy grail of recurring data revenue. Operators swift to deploy these types of highly scalable NGN solutions can sit securely in the knowledge that they are indeed mining a new seam of subscribers; “the data subscriber”.

Gladly I would like to report that CTW Partners playing a part in the grow of this sector having the privilege of working with a number NGN vendors to deliver tier one talent in many of the key functions required to build a successful, stable and sustainable business.Clients include: 724 Solutions, Colibria, LogicaCMG, FirstHop, Airwide Solutions...and many more.

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