Tuesday 21 August 2007

Technology Executive Search In August

This month I have been working on multiple projects it seems like an eternity has passed since the so called decline and fall of the technology sector. Well I am happy to report the ship is sailing along steadily. I believe the technology market will happily bob along for the next 6/7 years; during this period 2007 - 2012 we will see some great new businesses and some great exit stories.

Amongst other here are some of my open searches:

VP Sales APAC - VAS Software.
Sales Director - Payment and Charging Software.
Pre Sales Manager, UK -Payment and Charging Software
Client Service Manager, UK - OSS/BSS
Account Manager, Italy - VAS Software

So you may want to know how I go about locating the right talent. Well it is very straight forward. Firstly I do not go to the database albeit it has 10,000+ entries that could help my cause. I review the competitive businesses for each role, review the function and qualify long list candidates in or out. They must have DOMAIN, FUNCTION, and GEOGRAPHY as a starting point. Thereafter the skills assessment comes into play along with qualification on salary.

This is a highly time consuming process but it provides me and my clients with the security that we will find the right person, he/she will stick around and they will be successful. I can say without hesitation that over the last 5/6 years I have never had a candidate not go on to serve at least 18 months tenure in his/her role.

Not bad, but that’s what you happens when things are done correctly. It is at this point that I commend my clients for their vision and trust they place in my process.

More Soon

Best Wishes, Matthew Testa

Friday 10 August 2007

How to Interview for a Search Firm

Vendors I have a couple of tips for you when selecting an Executive Search company to partner with.

When you have the recruiter in the room forget about the brand, the nice suits and the quasi sales techniques and simply ask them out right what they know about your company, your technology products and where they fit into your market place.

You may be sat reading this thinking "I always do that" well if that's the case why do you keep engaging search firms wait months for a short list pay over the odds and still feel uncomfortable about the service you have received?

Answer Most recruiters whatever the level they are working at do not have a clue about the markets they operate in.

This is not to say they are no "great recruiters", there are lots but finding them is almost as hard as finding the candidates you need to grow your business.


When you think you have managed to locate, greet and select that "great recruiter" don't bother haggling over the cost, just pay the man or woman, they are worth it.